How Should I Start My Morning With 3d Graders? Teacher’s Guide
The course of your day is largely determined by how you begin it. Your day will go better if you have a good, energetic, and joyful start. However, if you get the day started hurried, anxious, etc., that is how it will go.
If you want a classroom full of happy and engaged children, it’s critical to provide your pupils with a joyful, peaceful, and enjoyable start to the day.
So, how should I start my morning with 3d graders?
Table of Contents
Create A Morning Routine
- Teach and practice morning procedures explicitly, until everyone knows what to do. Indeed, we practice and model these!
- Simplify the roll call and lunch count procedures (I write student names on a pocket chart for hot or cold lunches).
- Prepare morning homework for students to finish.
- Keep the morning routine as routine as possible!
Once kids master the morning routine, the morning work itself becomes one of the MOST IMPORTANT aspects of morning work time!
Make A Good Choice For Morning Work
Here are some things you’ll want to consider when looking for the perfect morning work:
- Which subject areas are necessary? Are you looking for morning work that focuses on just one subject or something more all-encompassing?
- Does the morning work have meaning or is it merely busywork?
- Can students generally complete it independently?
- Is the content appropriate for the allotted time, too much, too little, or about right?
- Does it comply with the requirements you have for it?
- Does the content spiral (constantly review) to build on the lessons that the students have already learned?
- Are you in need of print, digital, or both formats?
- Would you also like the option to edit it?
Various Morning Activities
Morning Meeting
I hold a daily 10-minute morning meeting. I try very hard to keep it to under 10 minutes.
Here is what my meeting looks like:
- Students are conversing about the Question of the Day as I finish editing their writing. Children are taught to greet one another as they enter the carpet.
- When I reach the carpet, I ask a few children to share their responses to the questions that other students had answered. Therefore, if James spoke with Amhad about the query, he must share Ahmad’s response with me. Instead of focusing solely on their own response, students must now listen to one another.
- The students must cooperate in this quick game or activity, which is another way to start the day with something enjoyable. These focus more on building teams than academics. You can find a ton of suggestions by conducting a quick Google search for “morning meeting activities.” Don’t feel like you have to do a new activity every day; students love it when you repeat activities.
- A review of the day is done every morning because both kids and adults enjoy knowing what their day will entail. We also discuss our objectives for the day.
Day Number
A great way to start the day or your math block is with the number of the day. Having students think about numbers in different ways is a good way to get their brain thinking deeper about how to disassemble the number and think about it in terms of place value.
Story Cubes
Playing with story cubes is entertaining while also improving literacy skills. Based on this game, you can encourage writing while also allowing for small groups and social interactions. You’ll enjoy some of the amusing tales that the kids will conjure up while they play!

Prefix & Suffix Dissection
By the third grade, multisyllabic words are more prevalent. Students can practice independently using this prefix and suffix dissection technique. A group could play this as a card game as well. The development of social skills can also be encouraged in this way.
Math Problem
Math word problems are excellent tools for getting students to read and think mathematically. These can be projected onto the board to get students actively thinking and involved in creating solutions to word problems. You could occasionally substitute an equation for a word problem.
Arrays Practice
Making arrays is a good way to practice multiplication because it is stressed in third grade. In order to improve their understanding of this skill, students can practice their facts and make arrays.
Multiplication Color by Number
Multiplication color by number is a fantastic way to practice multiplication facts and allows the practice of facts and coloring the picture. Students enjoy coloring, and this is a unique alternative to morning work.
Reader’s Theater
Involved students can collaborate and improve their reading fluency through reader’s theater. You have some entertaining and useful options for morning work if you add some reader’s theater scripts as options for the tub.
Brain Puzzles
Brain puzzles should be brought out to test young minds. As they prepare for a fantastic day of learning, students can warm up by playing logic games and games that require them to use critical thinking in fun, interactive ways.
Morning work ought to inspire participation and engagement as well as thinking and learning! Giving kids options or alternating morning duties can be a terrific way to help them enjoy their morning routine and get a good start on the day!